For Authors
New proposals
We welcome new proposals from writers, scholars, artists, museums and galleries for new books on the Visual Arts. Please complete the Lund Humphries Proposal Form and send new proposals, by email only, to our commissioning team as follows:
- Modern & Contemporary Art and museum co-publications: Lucy Clark
- Art History: Erika Gaffney
- Architecture & Design: Val Rose
- Art Business, Museum Studies & Curating: Lucy Myers
Key questions we ask when we receive a proposal for a new book are:
- Does it make an original contribution to the field?
- How and to whom will we sell the book? We need to be clear about the market for your book and how we will reach it.
- Is the book economically viable? Art books are expensive to produce and an art book on a specialist subject may have a limited market. We may require highly illustrated books to be supported by a grant or other external funding.
Please note, while we will read and consider every new proposal, due to the high volume of proposals received, we cannot provide detailed feedback. The closer the proposal adheres to the structure of our Proposal Form the easier it will be for us to review and make comment on it.
Preparation of text and illustrations
Once your book is under contract with Lund Humphries, you will need to refer to our Author Guidelines, Image Guidelines and Legal Guidelines in the preparation of your text and illustrations. Please contact Sarah Thorowgood, our Head of Editorial and Production, if you have any questions about the preparation of the material for your book.
The editorial and production process
For more detail on the various stages of the editorial and production process, see How we Work.
Marketing your book
The Guide to Lund Humphries International Sales and Marketing should answer all your questions about how our books are marketed worldwide. Alongside our marketing activities, there are also ways you can support the promotion of your book: please do take a look at our guide to How You Can Help Market Your Book.